Here are some projects that we have undertaken, or would like to achieve.
- 2023: Sanctuary Status! We were proud to play a small role in supporting our local NGO partners (Organización Valle Cochamó, and Puelo Patagonia) in one of the biggest conservation victories to date in the Cochamó region—the establishment of over 11,000 hectares of the Cochamó valley as a Nature Sanctuary. But the work isn’t done… the majority of the southern half of the Cochamó river watershed remains unprotected. We hope to help get that land added to the Sanctuary ASAP.
- 2022: Puelo Reserve de Agua campaign. We helped bolster a petition by our friends at Puelo Patagonia to protect the Río Puelo watershed.
- 2020-2021: Sendero Cochamó project. With generus funding support ($10,000 USD) from the Adventure Travel Conservation Fund, we undertook a major trail restoration project, employing local arrieros and other community members who were out of work due to the COVID pandemic.
- 2019: Project ZOIT. We helped our partners petition for Cochamó to be re-affirmed as a Zona de Interés Turístico (ZOIT), securing close to 18,000 signatures at
- 2018: Local stewardship projects.
- Trail work on trail into Cochamó, and main trails
- Installation of dry composting toilets in campgrounds
- Construction of “primitive” toilets at advanced basecamps
- Trash removal / area cleanup
- Search and Rescue operations
- Working with 1% For The Planet. We recently became Environmental Partners with 1% FTP, and are working with one of their team members to try and find funding partners for future work.
- Enlarge the Sanctuary. We are currently campaigning to have more of the Cochamó valley added to the Nature Sanctuary, in particular, Fundo Pucheguin—the largest single property in the region.
- Improvement of access trails to high mountain valleys
- New or improved signage for trail systems (including educational signage)
- Find secure and reliable funding sources to help us continue the work we are doing.
- Continue our work with old partners, while adding new ones to our network.
- Apply for grants to continue our successful and popular Sendero Cochamó project.